Accuracy competiton


Who is the Robin Hood of your group? Or who can master the blowpipe? These questions can be answered after out exiting accuracy competiton!

Competition is based on different games. This corporate event program can be arranged on various locations and with various number of games The games you can choose from are:

  • Archery (please note this needs a large safty area)
  • Knife and axe through
  • Football and bowling pins
  • Blow pipe
  • Floor ball accuracy goal
  • Air rifle 

At the beginning of the program the guide will explain the different equipment and safety issues. After that, all teams can practice with the equipment. After all is clear the point counting will start. Will the best team win!


  • Price: 450 € + 15€/person (for example 20 person group: 750€)
  • Includes: All needed equipment, guide for the duration of the event and local VAT (25,5 %).
  • Availability: Best time May-October
  • Recommended minimum group size: 8 persons
  • Payment: Cast, card, invoice for companies
  • Language: Finnish or English
  • Where? In Lappeenranta, Savitaipale, Kouvola and nearby areas
    • Some of the games will requires large safety areas.  For example archery cant be arranged at citys park areas.
  • Duration: 1,5-2 hours depending on the group
  • What should I bring: Clothing proper for the weather, drinking water and good spirit for the games! 🙂


  • Price: 400 € + 15€/person (for example 20 person group: 700€)
  • Includes: All needed equipment, guide for the duration of the event and local VAT (24 %).
  • Availability: Best time May-October
  • Recommended minimum group size: 8 persons
  • Payment: Cast, card, invoice 14 days
  • Language: Finnish or English
  • Where? In Lappeenranta, Savitaipale, Kouvola and nearby areas
    • Some of the games will requires large safety areas.  For example archery cant be arranged at citys park areas.
  • Duration: 1,5-2 hours depending on the group
  • What should I bring: Clothing proper for the weather, drinking water and good spirit for the games! 🙂