Corporate event in Tykkimäki

For winter

lumikenkäretki kouvola

Saimaan Palju supplements the comprehensive services of Tykkimäki Resort with its own activities which helps you build the perfect package for relaxation. 

If you are looking for a group of activities that consists of all services of Tykkimäki Resort like restaurants, conference villas, camping-area and panorama-saunas, please be in contact with the sales department of Tykkimäki Resort: It is also possible to reserve our activities through them.

Sliding or normal snowshoes

Trekking in the nature during winter is great experience. During this activity you have the change to experience beautiful Finnish winter landscapes. We use normal snowshoes or sliding snowshoes. We will travel along paths and in the snow. We will also try the equipment in the uphills and downhills. How good is the grip of the sliding snowshoes in the uphills? Or can the spikes on the snowshoes keep the grip on the uphills? After the halfway we will make some coffee and bun on a open fire. 

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vuokraa liukulumikengät
vuokraa liukulumikengät

Sliding or normal snowshoes

Trekking in the nature during winter is great experience. During this activity you have the change to experience beautiful Finnish winter landscapes. We use normal snowshoes or sliding snowshoes. We will travel along paths and in the snow. We will also try the equipment in the uphills and downhills. How good is the grip of the sliding snowshoes in the uphills? Or can the spikes on the snowshoes keep the grip on the uphills? After the halfway we will make some coffee and bun on a open fire. 

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talvinen tyky päivä

Corporate ice fishing competition!

Ice fishing during winter time a perfect way to settle who is the best fisher in your group. This very Finnish winter activity offers a great platform for winter outing. During the ice fishing you can enjoy hot beverages at the fire bowl that we provide to this event. If you wish you can even grill sausages in this fire bowl and during grilling you might hear your competitors catch the biggest fish ever!

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Singing bowl relaxation

Mallet hits the bowl and releases smoothing sound waves. The resonating sound will relax the mind and body. The singing relaxation session has begun.

Singing bowl relaxation is based on sound waves. The waves will relax your mind and body. Your guide will hit the bowl with a mallet and the resonating sound will fill the room. During the session you are ushered to the relaxed state by your guide. You might even fall asleep.

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Singing bowl relaxation

Mallet hits the bowl and releases smoothing sound waves. The resonating sound will relax the mind and body. The singing relaxation session has begun.

Singing bowl relaxation is based on sound waves. The waves will relax your mind and body. Your guide will hit the bowl with a mallet and the resonating sound will fill the room. During the session you are ushered to the relaxed state by your guide. You might even fall asleep.

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For spring, summer and autum

e-fatbike, sähköfatbike

e-Fatbike safari Tykkimäellä

Leveät renkaat, sähköavustin ja sopiva maasto. E-fatbike-safari tarjoaa mainion mahdollisuuden kokeilla tämän hetken trendilajia – sähköavusteista pyöräilyä. Helppo mutta vauhdikas eteneminen pitää tunnelman korkealla ja tutustuttaa polkijat ympäröivään luontoon uudella tavalla.


e-Fatbike safari at Tykkimäki

Fat tires, electric assistance and terrain that is just right. E-fatbike safari gives you a great opportunity to try out the current trend sport: electric cycling. Easy yet speedy progress keeps the mood up and familiarizes the biker to the surrounding nature in a new way.

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e-fatbike, sähköfatbike
melonta tykkimäki resort

Corporate event kayaking

Take your group to the middle of picture perfect lake scenery to sense the fragrances of the clean nature! Paddling trip makes even the familiar landscapes look fresh and new.

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Tyky-päivän Metsämieli-retki

Kaipaako työporukkasi rauhoittumista ja stressitöntä hetkeä luonnon helmassa? Tyky-päivän Metsämieli-retki antaa mahdollisuuden pysähtyä aistimaan ympäröivää luontoa ja rentoutua suomalaisen metsän syleilyssä. Puut, metsän kasvit, tuuli, aurinko ja tuoksut lataavat akkuja ja tukevat mielenrauhaa.


Corporate event Forest mind

Does your work crew yearn for a relaxing, stress-free moment in the nature?  Forest hike is designed with tyky-days in mind. It gives an opportunity to stop and experience the surrounding nature with all your senses and to relax in the embrace of the forest. The trees, plants, wind, sun and fragrances of the nature help you recharge and bring peace of mind.

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forest mind
käyrälampi sup lauta

SUP-boarding to corporate event

Does your group yearn for a chill activity that requires balancing? Standup paddleboarding is a great way to see the scenery from a new viewpoint: beautiful and warm summer day, the surrounding lake views and clean nature offer an unforgettable experience that will be remembered for a long time. 

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elämyskellunta tykkimäki


Elämyskellunta on ainutlaatuinen kokemus, joka tarjoaa kaivattua vastapainoa kiireiselle elämälle. Kun painottomalta tuntuva oma keho liikehtii lempeiden aaltojen tahtiin, unohtuvat arjen huolet ja stressi. Kellunnan jälkeen olo onkin raukea ja mieli raikas – veden rauhoittava ja pysäyttävä voima on uskomaton!

Lisätietoja täältä

Floating experience

Floating experience is an one of a kind experience that brings much needed counter balance to your busy life. When your weightless body floats on top of the serene waves you can forget all about the worries and stress of ordinary weekdays. After the floating experience you will feel relaxed and your mind is clear - the calming effect of the water is unbelievable!

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elämyskellunta tykkimäki
minigolf kouvola


Amidst this classic entertainment the time flies, whether you are a family or a work group competing for the championship of the company!

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padel tykkimäki resort

Padel Tykkimäki Resort

Mielenkiintoinen trendi laji nyt myös Tykkimäki Resortilla! Parhaimmillaan nelistään, mutta myös kahdestaan pääsee kokeilemaan mistä tässä lajissa o kyse. 

Lisätietoja täältä

Padel Tykkimäki Resort

Interesting trend sport has arrived to Tykkimäki Resort! At its best with four players, but two players is enough to find out what this game is about.

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padel tykkimäki resort